With Thanksgiving so close I've been thinking a lot lately about the things in my life I am thankful for. And #1 is my beautiful family. Even when things aren't exactly going the way I would like them to sometimes, I just try & think of those who don't have as much as I do & it makes me very grateful! My husband & I are very lucky to have 4 healthy, beautiful children. They do drive us crazy at times but I wouldn't change it for anything!
I had decided I was going to make Laci's cake this year. I saw the rainbow cake over at the blog CCBELLA. (I would highlight so you could click on it but I haven't figured out how to do that yet) Jess did it for her daughter's 6th b-day & I thought it was so cool. So about a month ago I showed it to Laci & she loved it! I also googled rainbow cakes & it is more popular than you think. It was definitely a time consuming project but totally worth it when you see the end result! LuLu was so excited to help, I didn't get to start the cake until 8 so she could only help with a little of it. She loved mixing the colors into the cake batter. Lauren helped as well.
2 boxes of cake mix, 4 cans of frosting, 6 egg whites, 6 colors/layers & about 5 hrs. later this is the result before I frosted the outside. I actually took this picture so I could show the girls in the morning what it looked like because they were fast asleep by the time I finished. And the final result. Most of the cakes I saw online stuck with keeping white frosting but I wanted to be a little different & so Laci had chosen purple as the outside color. Present time! A few of the things she received. Braedon dying for a piece of cake! He must have asked me 20 times today if it was time to eat the cake!! The inside! It was a hit! All the kids & adults loved it! I was quite proud of myself that I was able to pull it off! Pinata time! Laci with her friend Jedziah. All in all it was a successful party! A little loud (then again w/about 20 kids what do ya expect!) but still a good time. Good food, family, friends, wonderful gifts & lots of laughs! What else could you ask for!